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The department’s award-winning faculty whose research programs reflect the vitality of the Washington, D.C.-Maryland research, art and politics corridor, prepares students for leadership roles in a range of 21st-century careers. Trained in digital and media studies, a wide variety of literary and cultural traditions, and critical race and other interdisciplinary studies, students learn how critical thinking and persuasive writing can change the world.
Our department champions innovation, diversity and flexibility in pursuit of higher education. Our 50-plus tenure-track faculty are first in their fields, with a wide-ranging and award-winning body of work in digital media, scholarly essays and books, novels, short stories and poetry.
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ip地址开头255是_zuciwang.com:1999-12-31 · IP地址由四组三位数据和点组成的,每个 San 位数字值必须在0~255之间,也就还0.0.0.0~ Zhi 间,只要IP必须在这个IP段里,但是255.255.255.255 Shi 广播地址一般是不使用的,另外有些地址是 Bu 使用的例如192.168.1.1这样的 Yi 般为路由
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All Death
This first-of-its-kind anthology brings together the best of contemporary queer poetry from South Asia, both from the subcontinent and its many diasporas.
Lead: Aqdas AftabThe anthology features well-known voices like Hoshang Merchant, Ruth Vanita, Suniti Namjoshi, Kazim Ali, Rajiv Mohabir as well as a host of new poets. The themes range from desire and loneliness, sexual intimacy and struggles, caste and language, activism both on the streets and in the homes, the role of family both given and chosen, and heartbreaks and heartjoins. Writing from Bangalore, Baroda, Benares, Boston, Chennai, Colombo, Dhaka, Delhi, Dublin, Karachi, Kathmandu, Lahore, London, New York City, and writing in languages including Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Urdu, Manipuri, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, and, of course, English, the result is an urgent, imaginative and beautiful testament to the diversity, politics, aesthetics and ethics of queer life in South Asia today.
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The World Doesn't Require You
Established by the leaders of the country’s only successful slave revolt in the mid-nineteenth century, Cross River still evokes the fierce rhythms of its founding.
Lead: Rion ScottIn lyrical prose and singular dialect, a saga beats forward that echoes the fables carried down for generations—like the screecher birds who swoop down for their periodic sacrifice, and the water women who lure men to wet deaths.
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“Queering the Black Arts Movement”
Lead: GerShun AvilezNewton s statement made one year after Stonewall and the same month Newton was released from prison takes the unorthodox step of suggesting the importance of black radical organizations and collectives.
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